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SurrogateFirst featured on the Surrogacy Podcast: “I Want To Put A Baby In You!”

Our very own surrogacy expert Ashley Mareko was featured on the acclaimed surrogacy podcast “I Want to Put a Baby in You!”. In episode 76, she described her surrogacy journey and shared about how she found her perfect match intended parents.

i want to put a baby in you podcast

“Born and raised on the big island of Hawaii, Ashley Mareko knows the value of “ohana” (family), whether by blood or friendship. This strong tradition has been a guiding principle to Ashley as a 3-time(!) surrogate and through a career providing support to the surrogate community and intended parents. She feels blessed to be doing what she loves making a difference in people’s lives.

Listen to Ashley as she discusses with Ellen and Jenn:

• Her background and famous relative.

• How she got involved in surrogacy.

• Her first surrogacy journey experience.

• Finding a new agency to try again.

• The difficulties she faced because of her termination beliefs.

• Discovering the Intended Parents became pregnant on their own!

• Carrying her experience into her job now.

• Her advice on mourning and the worst-case scenarios involved in surrogacy.

• Advise to future surrogates and intended parents.

• What to look for in an agency.”

To listen to the whole episode, click here to visit their surrogacy podcast page.

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