The following steps outline SurrogateFirst’ streamlined approach to finding and matching our Intended Parent(s) with a passionate, fully-vetted surrogate who is the perfect fit for you as you begin your journey to parenthood. Our team of experts walk hand-in-hand with you to guide you throughout your journey and to facilitate every detail with your fertility center, attorneys, insurance brokers, as well as the day-to-day with you and your surrogate.
Research the process online and offline: what are the steps of the journey, compensation, and what to expect along the way.
Confirm the key aspects of your “baby plan” unsually convers:
Your journey begins with a complimentary consultation with one of our Intended Parents Coordinators. They will educate you on the process timeline and costs. They will learn more about you, your story, and your wishes/desires for your surrogate journey.
At SurrogateFirst, we know that everyone has their own unique story and we pride ourselves on taking whatever time is required to get to know you and understand what matters most to you.
1-2 weeks
Once you have chosen to partner with SurrogateFirst, we don’t waste anytime. We assign you a dedicated Case Manager who will discuss what you are looking for in a surrogate. We then take the criteria you have shared is most important to you (i.e. communication style, marital status, etc) and find a surrogate from our fully-vetted, pre-screened, passionate surrogates who is a great fit for you.
We share the surrogate’s profile with you and answer any questions you may have. If you express interest in exploring a match with the surrogate presented to you, we send your profile information for the surrogate to review. If she also expresses interest in exploring a match, we will send her records for approval with your clinic, and then facilitate a video call for you and the surrogate to get to know each other better.
If you and the surrogate both decide to move forward, the match is official, celebration time!! You will be introduced to your Case Manager. Your Case Manager will begin lining up your surrogate’s medical screening at your clinic.
0-5 Months
Your surrogate begins a medical work up at your fertility clinic to gain clearance to begin the journey.
1-4 Weeks
SurrogateFirst connects you with our top-rated legal experts who begin working with you to draft your contract, which outlines the agreement between you and your surrogate.
A Gestational Surrogate Agreement is a contract between Intended Parent(s), the surrogate and her partner/spouse, if applicable. These agreements detail the parties’ rights, obligations, intentions and expectations in connection with the surrogacy arrangement. Because surrogacy laws differ by state, it also addresses the legal requirements of the state where your surrogate resides. The contract also outlines future contact between the parties, insurance (both health and life), payment of medical bills, liability for medical complications, and the Intended Parents’ presence during doctor’s visits and at delivery. Financial considerations such as the surrogate’s compensation and expenses, including lost wages, legal fees, childcare and maternity clothes are also addressed.
1-2 Months
4 weeks
1 day
the 30 weeks
following the release to OB
The Pre-Birth Order is the 2nd Legal Contract
between 15-20 weeks of pregnancy