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Press Features

Navigating the Challenges of Infertility Treatments

Originally posted on The Spokesman-Review on March 3, 2024.

In a recent article by The Spokesman-Review, the landscape of infertility treatments is brought to light, revealing significant obstacles that threaten accessibility. Notably, insights from Sarah Burtis, a surrogate with SurrogateFirst, enrich our understanding of these challenges, emphasizing the urgency for continued support in this critical healthcare realm. As regulations tighten, it’s imperative to champion inclusive and affordable options, ensuring that every individual embarking on the journey to parenthood receives the care and support they rightfully deserve.

It is imperative that we amplify our voices in support of inclusive and equitable access to infertility treatments.

Stay tuned to the SurrogateFirst blog for more updates and discussions on surrogacy-related topics.

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