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SurrogateFirst featured in Dallas Voice

Originally posted on Dallas Voice on May 31, 2024.

We are incredibly honored and excited to share that SurrogateFirst has been featured in a recent article by Dallas Voice, highlighting the inspiring journey of Randall and Daryl, a loving couple who achieved their dream of parenthood through surrogacy with the help of our wonderful surrogate, Zarah. Their story, beginning with selecting an egg donor and creating viable embryos through in vitro fertilization (IVF), and culminating in the birth of their son Caleb two years ago, underscores the joy and fulfillment surrogacy can bring.

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Randall and Daryl with their surrogate, Zarah

The article also discusses broader reproductive rights issues, including our recent report showing 98% of LGBTQ+ individuals and parents are concerned about restrictive laws impacting family-building efforts. Despite legislative challenges, the determination of intended parents and surrogates remains strong, with 54% of surrogates undeterred and 36% feeling more motivated to help.

Read the full article to learn more about Randall and Daryl’s inspiring journey.

Stay tuned to the SurrogateFirst blog for more updates and discussions on surrogacy-related topics.

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