
Author: Jeff Hu

Surrogacy Journey: Single, Female & 40

Her surrogacy journey represents a growing trend of single females seeking to create a family on their own terms. With only one month left until the biggest day of her life,

“Why I Postponed Being a Surrogate”

To be honest, I don’t really know what to say or even where to start. Like many, COVID-19 has changed the direction my life was going, and I had to

FAQ: Surrogacy & Covid-19

Amid the COVID-19 virus we have received a lot of questions surrounding how it impacts Surrogacy. Whether you are considering being a surrogate to help another family grow, or you

Pregnant Surrogate in the Age of Coronavirus

Aloha! I’m Ashley, an experienced repeat pregnant surrogate navigating the COVID-19 crisis while currently 24 weeks into my pregnancy. My intended parents (IPs) are a married couple from China awaiting their