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Intended Parent Survey: Benefits Equality & Employee Retention 2023

Our “Intended Parent Surrogacy Survey: Benefits Equality & Employee Retention” brings a unique perspective of how infertility benefits impacts employees attitudes towards its employer in terms of retention, recruitment and overall satisfaction. Learn about the pressing challenges facing those with infertility issues and discover the best advice from experienced intended parents that have completed a surrogacy journey.

View the entire report here:

Executive Summary

Benefits Equality is Mainstreamed

  • Knowledge of infertility & surrogacy issues are becoming mainstream. 
    • 60% know someone who has experienced infertility
    • 30% know someone who has contemplated surrogacy to start a family
    • 11% know a family that has pursued a surrogacy journey.  
  • Surrogacy affordability is mainly limited to the upper middle class. Those able to afford surrogacy have an average annual household income of $176,000, creating a barrier to fair and equal access to treatment. 
  • 58% of employees support legislation that requires companies to provide health insurance coverage for the diagnosis and treatment of infertility and fertility services, including surrogacy.

Offering Infertility Benefits is Important to Meet Employee Expectations & Satisfaction

  • Fertility benefits are increasingly common and expected. Approximately 1 in 3 surveyed said their companies provide insurance benefits that cover infertility treatment. On average, those benefits provide $11,000 in coverage. 91% of intended parents are willing to pay a higher premium for additional benefits. 
  • 65% of employees find it important for their employers to offer inclusive infertility benefits as part of job satisfaction and company loyalty. 

Employer Policies are Under Delivering on Employee Expectations

  • 60% of intended parents rated their company policies as “poor” or “very poor” in helping employees seeking support to a become parent via IVF, surrogacy and adoption; and they strongly agree (78%) that more support should be offered. 

Infertility Benefits & Employee Retention 

  • Job Retention: 61% of overall employees would be inclined to stay with a company that offered comprehensive infertility benefits. This inclination increases to 87% for employees that plan to be intended parents. 
  • Switching Jobs: 79% of employees that plan to be intended parents via surrogacy would consider switching jobs that offer substantially more comprehensive infertility benefits. 

For more information please contact Jeff. 

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