Get Started As Parent(s)

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the parents'

As we know that every journey is different, circumstances specific to your and your family, you must have many more questions to answer. In our Parent’s Academy, we have also collected over the years many more contents that may be useful to you, as broad as the yearly reports which cover yearly the state of surrogary in general or as specific as the Surroblogs deep diving on specific themes.

Moreover, check our social media channels for the latest updates and surrogacy news.

top 15 most FAQ

We have collected below the most frequently asked questions by our surrogates answered by our seasoned surrogate graduates.

There are several variables that go into a successful, secure match. Your criteria and your priorities play a factor in determining how long your matching process will be. The stricter you are with your criteria (i.e, age range, marital status, etc), the longer it takes to match. In 2022, SurrogateFirst’s average match time was 6-12 months.

The short answer is No. Legal papers are created and signed by you and your surrogate before your journey begins. This legal agreement explicitly gives all parental rights to the Intended parents.

  • A pre-birth order is a document that establishes the Intended Parent(s) as the legal parents of the baby to be born.
  • Typically, the associated documents are started in the second trimester and signed at least two (2) months prior to the birth.

Intended Parent(s) have as much contact as they wish with their surrogate. During our matching process, your Case Manager works with you to find a surrogate who shares your expectations and we support you both as the relationship evolves.

  • In the United States, surrogacy is legal in many states, but it is an ever changing legal landscape.
  • Not every state is right for every Intended parent; for example, some states do not recognize non-biological parents, or same-sex couples.
  • SurrogateFirst ensures we find a surrogate that fits your criteria and is legally cleared.
  • Pre-Birth Order (PBO): A court proceeding that establishes parental rights prior to the birth of the child. PBOs are only available in certain states. In other states, it may be possible to obtain a post-birth order.
  • Voluntary Acknowledgement of Paternity: Allows a birth mother to designate a father, sometimes without the need for a court proceeding.
  • Custody Order: Grants custody of a child to the Intended Parent(s).
  • Second-Parent Adoption: Permanently establishes the non-biological parent’s rights to the child. It’s advisable to obtain a second-parent adoption. Even when it is possible to obtain a pre-birth order or a post-birth order, parents should know that not all states recognize parentage conferred in this way. By contrast, adoptions are recognized nationwide.
  • Wills and Estate Planning: Ensures that guardianship of the child is provided for in the event of the death of one or both parents. When a gay couple lives in a state or country where same-sex marriage isn’t legal, it becomes even more important to establish these documents.

We have a process that includes matching you with a surrogate who fits with your criteria and is ready to help you. To get started APPLY HERE

While surrogacy is an option for all prospective parents (whether heterosexual or homosexual couples, or single people hoping to become parents), it’s commonly used as a way for gay men to have a biologically related child. 

A Gay Parenting Surrogacy journey involves in vitro fertilization. This means that the embryo is created outside the womb with IVF technology and then transferred to the surrogate’s uterus. 

For gay couples, surrogacy provides the ideal opportunity to not only have a child but also to have a child that shares their genetics. Advances in assisted reproductive technologies have made the surrogacy process easier than ever, and updated surrogacy laws across the U.S. protect all parties of a surrogacy agreement.

SurrogateFirst is proud to offer Gay Parenting Surrogacy Services that help couples and individuals fulfill their dreams of parenthood, regardless of sexual orientation. We believe everyone has a right to create a family, and it is our honor to help you create yours. Our experienced team works closely with hopeful parents around the world to help them find their ideal surrogates and to navigate their  transformative path to parenthood.

The average cost of gestational surrogacy starts at $120,000 and is impacted by five main factors: surrogate compensation and expenses, agency and legal fees, health insurance, and medical costs for prenatal care and delivery and number of attempts to achieve pregnancy.

When using an egg donor, the surrogacy cost increases by $15,000-$20,000 depending on the cost of the egg donor and the egg donor agency fee.

  • Egg donor Compensation & Expenses:  $10,000-$13,000 
  • Egg Donor Agency Fee: $6,500 on average

Please see SurrogateFirst’s list of Services for more details. 

  • Most health insurance policies do not cover surrogacy expenses. Some insurance policies do cover some of the fertility treatment, but this will usually be limited to treatment for the insured, not the surrogate.
  • At SurrogateFirst, we work with top-rated fertility insurance experts who provide our Intended Parents with the most comprehensive and highest value insurance plan options.
  • In the United States, surrogacy is legal in many states, but it is an ever changing legal landscape.
  • Not every state is right for every Intended parent; for example, some states do not recognize non-biological parents, or same-sex couples.
  • SurrogateFirst ensures we find a surrogate that fits your criteria and is legally cleared.

While surrogacy is an option for all prospective parents (whether heterosexual or homosexual couples, or single people hoping to become parents), it’s commonly used as a way for gay men to have a biologically related child. 

A Gay Parenting Surrogacy journey involves in vitro fertilization. This means that the embryo is created outside the womb with IVF technology and then transferred to the surrogate’s uterus. 

For gay couples, surrogacy provides the ideal opportunity to not only have a child but also to have a child that shares their genetics. Advances in assisted reproductive technologies have made the surrogacy process easier than ever, and updated surrogacy laws across the U.S. protect all parties of a surrogacy agreement.

SurrogateFirst is proud to offer Gay Parenting Surrogacy Services that help couples and individuals fulfill their dreams of parenthood, regardless of sexual orientation. We believe everyone has a right to create a family, and it is our honor to help you create yours. Our experienced team works closely with hopeful parents around the world to help them find their ideal surrogates and to navigate their  transformative path to parenthood.

Although surrogacy for heterosexual Intended Parents and same-sex Intended Parents is largely similar, there are a few factors that separate gay surrogacy from surrogacy for straight singles and couples.

It’s important to understand your rights as parents, and what the surrogacy laws are in your state or country, and in the state in which your surrogate mother resides. 

Gay Parents who embark on a surrogacy journey will work with many people along the way who will support them. Those involved in a surrogacy journey include:

  • Surrogate Agency Professionals
  • Gestational Carrier (and her family)
  • Egg Donor (through an Surrogate/Egg Donor Agency)
  • IVF Clinic Professionals
  • Attorneys
  • Gestational carrier’s OBGYN
  • Hospital staff where the carrier will deliver

SurrogateFirst is a proud sponsor of the Men Having Babies (MHB) GPAP Program which offers partial scholarships to Intended Fathers who qualify.  SurrogateFirst offers 15% Off of our agency fee.

SurrogateFirst works with many surrogates who specifically want to help gay couples become parents. SurrogateFirst makes sure to match you with a surrogate who is supportive of the Gay Community.

SurrogateFirst is proud to provide you with a network of fertility clinics who specialize in same-sex surrogacy. You can trust that a knowledgeable, same-sex fertility specialist will handle the medical components of this exciting process, and that he or she will be as committed to your success as you are. 

SurrogateFirst referrs you to attorneys who are experts in navigating the legal field for same-sex surrogate journeys. Based on your situation, the genetic donors used, and the laws of your state, your attorney will take the best legal course of action to ensure that both you and your partner are the legal parents of your child.

SurrogateFirst partners with Egg Donor Agencies to ensure you find a great egg donor. 

  • Because gay couples and individuals will require an egg donor, we are happy to help you find just the right donor through our partner egg donor agencies. 
  • Several packages are available to make using donor eggs more affordable and effective, and we can help you choose the right one for your family-building goals. 
  • We are happy to work with you if you already have a donor in mind or are working with another donor egg agency. Once you have chosen your donor and her IVF cycle is complete, a fertility specialist will transfer the healthiest embryo to your surrogate’s uterus.

SurrogateFirst team is dedicated to serving you who is accessible 24/7 to guide you through every step of your journey. 

SurrogateFirst  is driven by our Core Values: we WOW, we provide Guidance with Compassion & Expertise, and we provide Personal Attention & Accessibility.



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