Welcome to the surrogateS' academy

As we know that every journey is different, circumstances specific to your and your family, you must have many more questions to answer. In our Surrogate’s Academy, we have also collected over the years many more contents that may be useful to you, as broad as the yearly reports which cover yearly the state of surrogary in general or as specific as the Surroblogs deep diving on specific themes.

Moreover, check our social media channels for the latest updates and surrogacy news.

top 15 most FAQ

We have collected below the most frequently asked questions by our surrogates answered by our seasoned surrogate graduates.

You will become a surrogate when you will be choosing to become pregnant for another family. Becoming a surrogate is one of the most remarkable journeys you can go on, but it is hard work. With any pregnancy you will experience emotional and physical effects from the pregnancy. Find more about the support you can receive below. 




  • Are 21-40 years old
  • Have a BMI of 18-32
  • Are a U.S. citizen, legal resident or legal immigrant are living in a stable home in a surrogate-friendly state in the U.S.
  • Are a non-smoker who does not use illicit drugs
  • Have given birth to and are raising at least one child of your own have had a healthy reproductive history during previous pregnancies and births
  • Have had 6 months since your last vaginal or cesarean birth + no more than 2 cesareans total
  • Have not been on anti-depressants or anti-anxiety medications for the past 12 months
  • Are not on governmental financial support

Find a full overview of the surrogacy steps and timeline here.

We take your profile, our current intended parents’ profiles and look for the best fit for both of you. We have years of experience matching surrogates and intended parents. You are a key part of this process; we will always have both the surrogate and intended parents approve the profiles. When both parties feel that there could be a possible match, we then set up a video meeting for you to get to know each other.

No, SurrogateFirst works with the intended parent’s embryos

No, we use the intended parent’s embryos

That is completely your choice. Some IP’s may ask that you breastfeed their baby after birth. Surrogates are compensated at a rate of $350 a week for her efforts and time pumping. Intended parents will pay for supplies and shipping if need be.

Taking the following and other prescribed medications, in addition to following all instructions provided by your doctor, can help prepare your body for a successful surrogate pregnancy!

Some medications you may use during your journey include the following:

We work with you to find the right insurance plan and doctors. Your OB and hospital will be based on your insurance network.

Find out all the compensation information here.

While money is only a small part of the reason why many choose to become surrogates, it is still an important question to be answered. At SurrogateFirst, our Surrogate Compensation Packages range from $40,000 to $80,000++ with additional benefits averaging $10,000 to $20,000.

There are also many other benefits that you can receive for your contribution. Full health benefits, life insurance, and all other related costs are covered.  

SurrogateFirst offers one of the most competitive and transparent compensation packages in the industry.

If you refer friends, you can also earn up to $1,000 per referral!

This is something that we recommend you speak to your accountant about. We do not give any type of W-2 or 1099.

If you have a Surrogate Friendly plan, the IPs will pay a $5k bonus to you and they will be responsible for the co-pay, deductibles, and out-of-pocket max for pregnancy-related medical costs.
If you do not have surrogate-friendly insurance, the intended parents are responsible for all pregnancy-related medical costs, including the premium. They will continue to pay for insurance three months after a loss or birth.

Yes, you can continue your healthy lifestyle and exercise as long as the doctor sees that doing so will harm neither you nor the baby.

We believe in protecting our surrogates and our intended parents. In order to do so, we will need a background check and medical clearance for any sexual partners and or spouses. 

There is travel with surrogacy. We will need you to travel, most likely to the IPs IVF Clinic, a few times for medical clearance and transfers. The IPs will cover the travel-related cost.

Check out the full list of requirements here and then schedule a consult with our agency. Call 424-567-3703 or contact us for more info. 

We would love to answer your questions and support you on this amazing journey!

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