
Tag: surrogacy webinar


SurrogateFirst: 美國各州法律大不同,談談代孕友善州

本次網路研討會主題為「美國各州法律大不同,談談代孕友善州」。台灣與美國的法律體制有很大差異,對於有意在美國進行代孕的準家長而言,理解各州的法律規範可能非常困難 主講人方律師 (Rainie Fang) 將為大家深入分析美國的代孕友善州,幫助準家長們更好地掌握法律資訊。歡迎點擊下方嵌入的 YouTube 影片觀看完整內容,讓我們一起了解更多!

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Egg Donation 101 | SurrogateFirst Webinar

Join us for an enlightening and informative webinar hosted by SurrogateFirst, featuring Elizabeth Casey, the head of our egg donation program Egg Donor First, and Lisa-Marie Hernandez, a seasoned egg

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Military Spouse Appreciation Day | SurrogateFirst Webinar

A SurrogateFirst a special Webinar for Military Spouse Appreciation Day featuring our very own Case Manager/Surrogates- Karina, Stephanie & Zyul. The webinar consists of the following chapters, This heartfelt event

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Surrogate Benefits & Compensation Explained [Webinar]

Ashley Mareko, an experienced surrogate, is back with her latest webinar! This week, she covers surrogacy benefits and compensation packages. Everything you need to know about the financial and benefits aspects of