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Good News for Intended Parents! 2020 Open Enrollment Extension

Dear SurrogateFirst Family,

We bare good good news for Intended Parents!  Due to COVID19 11 states have opened Special Enrollment via the Affordable Care Act to those that do not have insurance, which opens the possibility of saving thousands of dollars in health insurance costs with your future surrogate.

Private surrogate insurance usually costs $16k-$25k; while regular insurance normally costs between $300-$500 / month with an average $2-3k in deductibles and out of pocket costs.  Eleven states and the District of Columbia have re-opened enrollment under the Affordable Care Act to allow laid-off workers to get subsidized health insurance. The Trump administration, which has been gunning to repeal the law, is considering opening the federal exchange to new customers.

States Extending Open Enrollment

We will keep this list updated if other states decide to participate.

Please keep safe, healthy and remain positive!

– The SurrogateFirst Team 
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