
Author: Jeff Hu

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What is Gestational Surrogacy?

Here at SurrogateFirst, we want you to understand gestational surrogacy and what it entails. Here, we break down what a gestational surrogate is and how they differ from traditional surrogates. This will be especially

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Preeclampsia (Toxemia) and Surrogacy

Keeping an eye for the signs of preeclampsia (toxemia) is of critical importance in cases where you are considering a traditional or a gestational surrogate. Fully understanding the risks of preeclampsia can to help assuage fears around this condition. Research

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How to Choose a Surrogacy Agency – Questions to Ask

If you are considering a surrogacy agency for your pregnancy journey, you may have more questions than answers early on. Choosing the right surrogacy agency is crucial to ensuring your child is delivered happy and healthy.

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Psychological Surrogacy Evaluations During Covid-19

Psychological Surrogacy Evaluations During Covid-19 Joey Guzman-Kuffel, Founder of Counseling with Joey, can be considered a “unicorn.” He is not only an experienced Marriage & Family Therapist–he is also an experienced

How to Discuss Protests with Children

Despite their proliferation, there’s no easy way to discuss protests with children. During these unprecedented times of constant changes and challenges that face our children, it is vital to provide them

COVID-19 Resources for Surrogates by State

As we enter our next week of the “shelter in place” order, we see positive progress in flattening the curve in most states and easing restrictions for more categories of businesses