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Becoming an Intended Parent!


surrogacy leads to family happiness

Becoming an Intended Parent! 

With 1 in 8 couples experiencing infertility, a number that is predicted to rise, it is no surprise that intended parent surrogacy are becoming more of an everyday option. 

The stigma that once surrounded surrogacy is being embraced with acceptance, and for the individuals and couples that have utilized the assistance of a surrogate, the stigma is being replaced with joy and fulfillment.   However, this was not always so, even though the concept of surrogacy has been around since biblical days!

Surrogacy has evolved throughout the years, and through this evolution, so has the security for both surrogates and Intended Parents (IP’s). 

In 1976, the first agreement was drawn up between a surrogate and an IP.  In 1986, Mary Beth Whitehead, surrogate for Bill and Betsy Stern, decided upon giving birth to Melissa Stern that she was going to keep Melissa.  A two year legal lawsuit ensued as Melissa was the product of the egg of Mary Beth and sperm of Bill via traditional surrogacy, but ultimately, the Sterns prevailed and Melissa remained with the Sterns. 

There have been examples of surrogates moving to a state where surrogacy was illegal in an attempt to keep the baby they were carrying for someone else. While there are many other painful situations that both surrogates and intended parents have gone through as surrogacy evolved. 

In 1978, the first child was born as a product of In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), and in 1983, the first baby born of an egg donation surrogacy to a grateful family of intended parents. 

Then, in 1985, the first gestational surrogacy was performed, and in the last 30+ years, surrogacy has grown beyond anything many would have expected it to.  While we don’t share these stories to scare anyone who is considering surrogacy, we want to give the IP peace of mind of how far surrogacy has come, and that working with an agency like SurrogateFirst eliminates the stress, worry, and risks of yesteryear.   

Surrogate First is an agency that lives up to its name by making sure that their IP’s and surrogates come first. 

This is fulfilled by making sure that all questions, concerns, and goals for their surrogacy are answered in a transparent manner, by staff who are personally experienced and invested in the journey of surrogacy.  They have the experience to be able to help you resolve geographic barriers and navigate the legal system. We want to make sure that all of your concerns are addressed, and that you and the potential gestational surrogate are properly vetted.  

It is very important that you and the surrogate have the same views on important pregnancy topics, i.e., multiple children in pregnancy, health defects and decisions.  SurrogateFirst knows that the decision to start a family is exciting, but can be trying as well. 

Whether you are a straight or LGBT couple or an intended single parent, making the right match with a surrogate is key.  SurrogateFirst strives to match IP’s and surrogates based on journey expectations, compatible interests, and similar backgrounds.    

Surrogate First will provide the above discussed, and below listed services as well as many more as needed by the IP’s and surrogates:

Surrogacy Services for Intended Parents

  1. Identify, apply, and do initial screenings  
  2. Match the IP with a surrogate that meets your requirements and expectations for the journey.
  3. Coordinate legal services for the preparation of the legal contract between the intended parents, surrogate and/or egg donor and obtain the birth order to establish your parental rights.
  4. Manage your independent escrow/trust account so you can focus on the journey of starting your family without financial stress.
  5. Coordinate with the medical care providers and/or clinic during the journey.
  6.  Assist in obtaining the birth certificate, passport, and Visa/Travel Document as needed.
  7. Be your advocate, provide you with individual care by a surrogacy professional in a compassionate, transparent manner.

If you’re ready to begin the process of surrogacy, please fill out the intended parent application on our website so that we can get you started in this journey!  For intended parents, surrogacy means they can finally achieve the dreams they’ve had for so long. For them, it’s a priceless gift given by a selfless woman.

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