CEO Jeff Hu featured in Synchrony
Originally posted on Synchrony on February 20, 2024. We are excited to highlight our CEO, Jeff Hu, who recently shared his expertise in a compelling article by Synchrony, delving into
Part of our mission is to share our learning on a broader scale and discussing the latest findings on the state of Surrogacy with others. For media & press enquiries, please contact Jeff at Jeff@surrogatefirst.com.
Originally posted on Synchrony on February 20, 2024. We are excited to highlight our CEO, Jeff Hu, who recently shared his expertise in a compelling article by Synchrony, delving into
Did you catch our surrogacy agency’s coverage in the esteemed New York Times publication this weekend? This was a huge win for the entire SurrogateFirst staff and supporting partners! The
New survey reveals how surrogates feel about pregnancy termination, carrying a child for same-sex-couples and more
Andy Cohen says his daughter was ‘one of the first surrogate babies’ born in New York. Here’s why.
The Free Press https://www.thefp.com/p/motherloading-inside-the-surrogacy?utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web
NBC Click2Houston https://www.click2houston.com/news/local/2022/10/28/how-covid-19-helped-create-a-national-surrogacy-shortage/
Each season, the SurrogateFirst team expands to new frontiersall with the goal of informing the wider public about the world of surrogacy!
This month, our very own Surrogate Program Director, Ashley Mareko, guest featured on a commercial gestational surrogacy panel for Radio Health Journal.
VICE https://www.vice.com/en/article/qjpqe3/parents-are-demanding-surrogates-who-wont-get-the-covid-vaccine%20