Welcome to our Learning Center! 

SurrogateFirst strives to be the knowledge leader in the surrogacy community and to assist in safer and more successful journeys for all.

We have collected here all our contents to support your research and exploration throughout your Surrogacy journey. 

Whether you are an Intented Parent, Surrogate (new or returning) or generally speaking looking for the lastest state of the art information regarding surrogacy – chances are we have just what you are looking for here.

Fresh off the press

Recently Featured in

Part of our mission is to share our learning on a broader scale and discussing the latest findings on the state of Surrogacy with others.

For media & press enquiries, please contact Jeff.

Taking the pulse of Surrogacy

Exclusive surrogacy reports

Twice a year, we conduct industry-wide survey to keep you up to speed with the latest surrogacy trends.

Our Surroblog

All our articles are written by experienced surrogates, intended parents and people who have been on the same journey you are on now.

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Our Live Events

Check out some past events, and when our next ones will be next in your area!

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