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Top Questions to Ask When Choosing a Surrogacy Agency

Embarking on a surrogacy journey is a significant decision, whether you’re an intended parent or a potential surrogate. Choosing the right agency is crucial for a positive experience. In a recent webinar, SurrogateFirst experts shared valuable insights on what to ask when evaluating surrogacy agencies. Let’s dive into these essential inquiries that can help you make an informed choice.

1. How many surrogacies has the agency facilitated, and what’s the coordinator’s workload?

Understanding an agency’s experience and capacity is vital. Ask about the number of surrogacy journeys they’ve managed in the past year. This information can give you an idea of whether they’re a small, medium, or large operation. 

Equally important is the number of cases each coordinator handles. A lower caseload (around 20 journeys per coordinator) generally allows for more personalized attention, while higher numbers (35-60 cases) might indicate a less individualized approach. This question helps you gauge the level of support and attention you can expect throughout your journey.

2. How long does the surrogate matching process typically take?

For surrogates, the screening process usually takes about 6-8 weeks. This includes background checks, drug panels, psychological evaluations, medical record reviews, and home evaluations. However, individual circumstances can affect this timeline.

For intended parents, the average matching time in the US is about 12 months, though some agencies may have shorter wait times.  Be sure to ask specifically about the agency’s average match time, as this can vary significantly between agencies. Be wary of promises that seem too good to be true, and understand that a thorough matching process is in everyone’s best interest.

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3. What is the recommended surrogate benefit package?

Benefit packages can vary widely between agencies. Some may advertise high amounts like $100,000, but it’s essential to understand what’s included in that figure. A reputable agency should provide transparency about base compensation, and additional benefits like maternity clothing allowance, lost wages coverage, and childcare reimbursement.

For intended parents, it’s crucial to have a clear understanding of the full compensation package before matching with a surrogate. This helps avoid misunderstandings or financial surprises later in the process.

4. Does the agency offer a wellness program?

An often overlooked but invaluable aspect of surrogate care is a comprehensive wellness program. This unique feature can set agencies apart and significantly enhance the surrogate’s experience. Ask if the agency provides services such as:

  • Nutritional counseling
  • Fitness support
  • Mental health resources
  • Stress management techniques
  • Post-partum care

A robust wellness program demonstrates the agency’s commitment to the surrogate’s overall health and well-being, not just during pregnancy but beyond.

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5. What do reviews and social media say about the agency?

In today’s digital age, it’s crucial to research an agency’s reputation beyond their own website. Look for:

  • Google reviews
  • Facebook group discussions
  • Testimonials on independent surrogacy forums

Pay attention to recurring themes in these reviews. Are surrogates and intended parents consistently praising the agency’s support and transparency? Or are there frequent complaints about communication or financial issues?

Don’t hesitate to ask for professional referrals. Reputable agencies often have strong relationships with other professionals in the field. Consider reaching out to:

  • Fertility clinics
  • Surrogacy lawyers
  • Psychological counselors specializing in surrogacy

Ask these professionals if they have experience working with the agency and if they would recommend their services. Their insights can provide valuable, unbiased perspectives on the agency’s practices and reputation within the industry.

By thoroughly investigating these aspects, you’ll gain a more comprehensive understanding of the agency’s approach to surrogate care, their reputation in the community, as well as their standing among industry professionals. This information is invaluable in making an informed decision about which agency to trust with your surrogacy journey.

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6. Is there 24/7 emergency support?

Pregnancy and surrogacy journeys can be unpredictable, with issues potentially arising at any time. Ask about the agency’s protocol for after-hours emergencies. Is there a dedicated emergency line? Who answers these calls? 

A reliable agency should have a system in place to address urgent concerns, whether it’s medication issues, travel complications, or medical emergencies. This support is crucial for both surrogates and intended parents throughout the journey.

7. Does the staff have personal experience with surrogacy or fertility treatments?

While not absolutely necessary, having staff members with personal surrogacy or fertility treatment experience can be invaluable. They can offer unique insights, empathy, and understanding that come from firsthand experience.

Staff who have been surrogates or intended parents themselves often have a deeper appreciation for the emotional aspects of the journey. They can provide more nuanced support during challenging times and truly celebrate the joyful moments with you.

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8. What are the agency’s surrogate qualifications and pre-qualification process?

Most reputable agencies follow guidelines set by the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM). However, some may have additional criteria. For example, while ASRM guidelines allow surrogates up to age 45, some agencies may set their upper limit at 40.

It’s important to ask about the agency’s specific pre-qualification criteria and screening process for surrogate mothers. This may include:

  • Age requirements
  • Health and BMI criteria
  • Previous pregnancy history
  • Lifestyle factors (e.g., non-smoking)
  • Financial stability
  • Psychological evaluation
  • Background checks

Understanding these qualifications and the screening process helps ensure that the agency prioritizes the health and safety of surrogates and babies. It also gives insight into the agency’s approach to risk management and the quality of surrogates they work with.

9. How and why was the agency started?

This question can provide valuable insight into the agency’s core values and motivations. Understanding the founders’ background and reasons for starting the agency can give you a sense of their commitment to ethical practices and their passion for helping families grow through surrogacy.

10. Does the agency require a deposit or retainer?

This is an important financial question to ask. Some agencies may require a deposit or retainer fee before beginning the matching process. However, it’s worth noting that not all agencies follow this practice.

For example, SurrogateFirst doesn’t take any money from intended parents before a match is made. Understanding the agency’s policy on deposits or retainers can help you better plan your finances and avoid unexpected upfront costs.

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Additional Considerations

  1. Ethical practices: Look for agencies that prioritize the well-being of both surrogates and intended parents. They should have clear policies on important issues like selective reduction and termination.
  1. Transparency: A reputable agency should be upfront about all costs involved in the surrogacy process. Be wary of hidden fees or vague financial information.
  1. Support services: Inquire about the types of support offered throughout the journey, such as counseling services, support groups, or educational resources.
  1. Legal expertise: Ask about the agency’s relationships with experienced reproductive law attorneys and how they handle the legal aspects of surrogacy arrangements.
  1. Success rates: Be cautious of agencies claiming unusually high success rates. Reputable agencies will be honest about the realities of the surrogacy process, including potential challenges and uncertainties.
  1. Matching process: Understand how the agency approaches matching surrogates with intended parents. What factors do they consider to ensure a good fit?
  2. Financial requirements: Ask about any upfront costs, deposits, or retainers required before matching. Understand when payments are due and what they cover.
  1. Insurance navigation: Inquire about how the agency handles insurance matters, including helping surrogates find surrogate-friendly policies if needed.


Choosing a surrogacy agency is a significant decision that can greatly impact your journey. By asking these key questions, you can gain valuable insights into an agency’s experience, practices, and values. Remember that the right agency should have the necessary expertise and align with your values and expectations.

Your comfort and confidence in the agency you choose will be crucial as you navigate the complex and emotional process of surrogacy. Pay close attention to their surrogate screening process, match times, and financial policies, as these can significantly impact your journey.

Ultimately, the goal is to find an agency that will provide comprehensive support, maintain clear communication, and prioritize the well-being of all parties involved. With the right agency by your side, you’ll be better equipped to handle the challenges and joys of your surrogacy journey, whether you’re growing your family or helping someone else achieve their dream of parenthood.

About SurrogateFirst

SurrogateFirst was born from a deeply personal understanding of the surrogacy journey, rooted in our core values of endurance, transformation, hope, and the miracle of life. Our foundation is built on the profound experiences of real-life surrogates and the incredible impact their selfless acts have on countless lives.

Our mission comes from the heart: to be the most compassionate, supportive partner to our surrogates, ensuring their physical and emotional well-being, as well as their financial security. Every member of our team carries the weight of personal experience—whether as dedicated surrogates who’ve felt the joy of helping create families, as intended parents who’ve known the ache of longing and the thrill of dreams fulfilled, or as medical professionals who’ve witnessed the power of science and human kindness working in harmony.

With deep respect and unwavering transparency, we walk alongside you, crafting a personalized journey from the magical moment of matching surrogate and intended parents, through the intricacies of legal and financial planning, to the breathtaking experience of pregnancy, birth, and beyond. At SurrogateFirst, we don’t just manage a process—we nurture dreams, forge lifelong bonds, and help write the most beautiful chapters in people’s lives.

Ready to start your surrogacy journey? Contact our team if you have any questions!

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