If you’re considering taking the journey into surrogacy, you must meet specific qualifications as a gestational carrier. Usually, most candidates assume that only medical history counts, but being a surrogate also requires inner strength and a strong sense of empathy for those who can’t start families independently.
Surrogacy is a genuinely selfless act that not everyone feels comfortable making, yet military wives stand apart as particularly suited for the journey. But why? What makes military wives great surrogate mothers? The answers may surprise you if you’ve never thought about what military wives must endure to support their spouses’ careers while also raising a family.
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Military wives as surrogate mothers
While anyone who meets certain qualifications can be a surrogate, military wives account for a significant portion of gestational surrogate mothers, much higher than most assume. Some statistics peg the proportion at 15-20 percent. That’s a more substantial figure than you’d expect since military wives are no different physiologically than other surrogates, so other factors must also play a part.
Being a military wife means that you belong to a unique community because you make sacrifices just as much as your spouse. Assignments and deployments can come suddenly, so military wives get used to adjusting to adversity and making the best of it for the sake of their families. This commitment to building a family makes military wives exceptional surrogate mothers. In fact, many surrogacy agencies value military wives for precisely that reason.
Most surrogates have already completed a successful pregnancy. This experience with motherhood is invaluable from an agency’s perspective, and the support women receive from their own family is always vital to a successful surrogacy too.
Furthermore, there are also certain financial considerations. Surrogacy contracts pay well, and experienced surrogates can command higher compensation after completing an arrangement. So, military wives choose surrogacy to contribute to the home financially since it’s hard for many to start a career and raise children while their spouses are away for long stretches of time. Surrogacy gives these women an opportunity to contribute substantially to the household without a full-time job’s extended hours.
Considerations for military wives becoming surrogate mothers
Private health insurance varies widely regarding whether policies will cover surrogacy costs. Maternity care is standard, but it gets complicated when military health insurance enters the equation. Technically, TRICARE doesn’t have to pay for surrogacy expenses, yet it’s an open “secret” in the military community that you can use it.
TRICARE limits surrogacy benefits and only pays second. The surrogacy contract will outline reimbursement terms, so TRICARE will cover the remainder when those funds expire. A valid surrogacy contract must be in place between the surrogate and the intended parents. Otherwise, TRICARE won’t pay, and if the surrogacy contract doesn’t clearly specify medical reimbursement costs, the surrogate may have to pay instead.
The journey into surrogacy requires more than a long-term commitment. It also demands mental fortitude, courage, and the ability to be self-sufficient. Military wives possess all those qualities and more. Spouses can be away from home for months at a time, so military wives often perform double duty to raise a family. But that doesnt mean their spouses shouldnt stay involved at every step. It should be a family decision to enter a surrogacy arrangement because surrogate mothers need a strong support system.
After a thorough consultation with an agency, military couples will have the necessary information to make the right decision. The process is about discovery, from the initial screening of surrogates to the unexpected joys of helping intended parents fulfill a dream.
Yet, there are limits to keep in mind, such as what happens if a spouse gets deployed overseas on relatively short notice? Depending on a military husbands field of expertise, its possible at any moment, especially if the spouse is a ranking officer with greater responsibilities. But if husbands do need to leave suddenly, the military community is ready to support their wives throughout the pregnancy.
Still, financial compensation and the risks of carrying another healthy baby to term are the two most important factors to consider. The difficulty lies in how well you can weigh additional factors like the familial commitments youve already made, and military wives seem better prepared for the journey.
Ready to start your surrogacy journey, contact us here with any questions.
About SurrogateFirst
At SurrogateFirst, we’re a boutique surrogate agency specializing in quickly matching intended parents around the world with our fully-vetted, exceptional surrogates.
We help individuals and couples, regardless of race or sexual orientation, build their families through the miracle of surrogacy.
Every team member at SurrogateFirst is either a former intended parent or an experienced surrogate herself. We also have first-hand knowledge of what it takes to have an incredible, successful surrogate journey.